Friday, March 13, 2015

NO thank you

I gave him fifty bucks, towards working on the car. he sctually stted doing something, but then fell asleep underneath my car.
I brought him a box of needed foil, no thank you for that, i also gav him a pack of cigarettes, still no thank you. Nothing I do is good enough, or appreciated or acknowleged, quite the contrary I am merely an inconvience unwanted house guest. Especially considering the fact that we havent had any intimacy together sincelast weekend, i even asked a few days ago. he didnt come home last night, nor did he answer his phone when i was calling him. Even now hes sleeping in thechair as opposed to with me in the bed. which has been the routine lately. Of course I have to act like it doesnt bother me, especially when earlier today and yesterday he gets a call from some girl far away he wasa suppposed to go see. I know what hes about  so I know what hes up to.
but yet, i cant show that i care and that hes killing me inside. In fact I dont show it or tell anyone how I feel, I dont want to keep looking and feeling like a fool

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